Gentle to people and gentle to piano Safe wing from Germany to Japan Jal Passenger flight safely

Shock watch for impact detection Tiptel with fall display  Attached ivory keyboard

~News für in winter 2023~

The following models are in stock. Stock items can be ordered.

Steinway & Sons 
Mod B-211 BP 1956 3P new Polyester/new strings
Mod B-211 BP  1966 3P new Polyester/new strings
Mod A-188 BP  1981 3P new Polyester/THARAN Tastatur
Mod A-188 AWS 1961 3P new paint
Mod O-180 BP  1981 3P new  Polyester/new strings/THARAN Tastatur Under repai
Mod O-180 AWS 1972 3P new paint 
Mod O-180 Barock 1959 3P new paint white matte/new strings Under repai
Mod M-170 AWS 1962 3P THARAN Tastatur new paint/new strings  
Mod S-155 AWS 1938 CHP3P new paint/new strings Under repai
Mod Z-114 AWS 1959 2P new paint
Mod Z-114 AWS 1965 2P new paint Under repai

Mod 225 BP  1977 3P new paint
Mod 200 BP  1981 3P new Polyester/new strings
Mod 148 B/S 1939 2P new paint

Mod M180  AWS  1971 3P new paint
Mod 12n   AWS  1970 2P new paint
Mod 12n   AWS  1972 2P new paint
Mod 12a   AWS  1985 2P new paint Under repai
Mod 12b   AWS. 1961 2P new paint
Mod 12b   AWS. 1961 2P new paint Under repai

Mod 10   AWS 1957 CHP Reserviert

Mod.122  AWS   1982 CHP Reserviert

Mod.112 AWS 1968 new paint Under repai
Mod.112 AWS 1969 new paint Under repai

Available to order
Steinway & Sons
Mod O-180 AWS 1976 2P Original
Mod M-170 CHP 1928 2P Original

Mod B.  Maho 1990 Original
Mod 12n AWS  1975 Original
Mod 8a  AWS. 1988 Original

 Sollten Sie Fragen zu einem dieser Klaviere haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns.

Über den Lufttransport von Klavier

Klaviere sind Präzisionsinstrumente, die normalerweise an das Werk zurückgesandt werden, wenn sie von 4G getroffen werden.

Was ist 10G? Auswirkung entspricht der seismischen Intensität 6-7 des Erdbebens Ist Ihr Klavier sicher transportiert?

Seeschifffahrt birgt ein ernstes Risiko für Klaviere.

About piano air transportation

Pianos are precision instruments that are usually returned to the factory when struck by 4G.

What is 10G? Impact corresponds to seismic intensity 6-7 of the earthquake. Is your piano transported safely?

Maritime shipping poses a serious risk to pianos.

Transport Flow

  • Delivery to warehouse
    We will inform the results of S/W(Shock Watch) and/or T/W(Tilt Watch) conditions before departure/upon arrival.
  • Build up
    Build up
    We reduce risks inside the warehouse
    Build up
  • Loading
    Low speed ground transport to ensure minimum shock.